Handlebar Bags
Handlebar Czar is a storage bag for your adventurous side. Riding long days in remote places on a variety of terrain requires more preparation and more gear—additional layers, food, tools, phone, gloves, and let's not forget the occasional flask. The Czar steps to the throne with water-resistant, welded seam construction, streamlined form, and unmatched function for long days in the saddle. As some tend to say, it's all in the details.
- Big capacity 120 cubic inches
- Secured with wide Velcro straps + durable rubber twist-tie around cables
- Optional shock cord included for extra stability for heavy loads/rowdy terrain
- Streamlined design with sonic-welded seams
- Front netting pocket for easy-to-grab goodies
- Smart zipper placement for easy access
- One-handed zipper operation
Mini Bar Czar
There's adventure, and then there is a racy adventure. Mini Bar Czar is small,
low profile, lightweight, and easy to access due to a novel use of magnets instead
of a zipper. One-handed use is no problem, and your stores will remain secure until
you need them, even over rough terrain.
- Magnet closure for secure, easy access
- A useful and compact 75-cubic-in, capacity
- A roomy oval shape with sonic-welded seams
- Affixes with Velcro straps around the handlebars with options for adjustment
- Optional shock cord for extra security around head tube or cables
- Easy, one-handed use of magnet closure, yet your contents are secure
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